Resources & ReportsWater Quality AssessmentThe condition of the creek based on water quality data, and/or land-use information.
Plan purpose and subdivided chapters
Marketing and Communication The potential benefits of stakeholder involvement are now well-documented and involving the public early on in conservation planning not only produces decisions that are responsive to public opinion and values, but also helps to resolve conflict, build trust, and educate and inform the local public about their environment. Developing effective participation and achieving more democratic community decisions are more likely to be achieved by consistent, informative, and interactive programs. Examples of past outreach initiatives include educational booths set up at McMinn Farm-City Day (Athens, May 9 2006) which had appx. 660 people attend, and at Athens' Fishing Derby (Apr 22 2006). Booths were set-up demonstrating the importance of grass on retarding soil erosion, and also demonstrating the abundance of aquatic fauna. Media stories and a 17 x 22' color brochure insert into the Athens newspaper Daily Post Athenian (2006 circulation of 12,148) have also been conducted. These brochures were also distributed to local schools and city and county offices. You can view this brochure here.